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Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

You are afraid of speaking in public. It scares you to death. You'd rather face a nest of poisonous vipers than speak in public. Don't worry, this is not uncommon. The answer is to understand public speaking and learn how to control your feelings so as to make a good showing.

Note #1. Most problems relate to being ill prepared.

Note #2. Review note #1.

Speakers who are ill prepared tend to be nervous. Nervousness leads to anxiety and forgetfulness. Anxiety and forgetfulness lead to nervousness which leads to anxiety and forgetfulness, etc.

Suppose a speaker is nervous about speaking because he only rehearsed the speech he is about to give once. His breath may be short, caused by his nerves which have tightened his chest. He begins speaking, but is anxious because his chest is tight. He thinks about this and it causes him to forget a point. Now he is more nervous and this causes hi chest to tighten more.

So, what is the answer? Prepare. Preparation involves learning about the topic, organizing the speech, making note cards and an outline, and rehearsing. If a speaker takes the time to do each of these, he will be confident before the speech begins and this will lead to a better speech.

Learn about the topic. This is basic research which leads to developing a thesis statement. Once the thesis is written, the speaker can focus on selecting material which is appropriate to prove it. The research can be the making of notes from what is already known, reading books on the topic, asking others, or even conducting experiments. The speaker should work to be completely conversant with the topic which is being addressed.

Organizing the speech. Decide in which order the material will be presented. The structure can vary according to the needs of the speaker and the demands of the speech, but the opening should gain the attention of the listeners; the body should develop the individual points; and the conclusions should draw the arguments together to demonstrate how they prove the thesis. Prepare an outline to help in organizing.

Making note cards. When the speech is organized, the speaker should prepare note cards which serve as reminders. Many who are new to public speaking want to cram as much information as possible onto note cards. This can lead to problems. By loading note cards with information the speaker risks over-reliance on them. The speaker needs to be confident that the knowledge is known more than written.

Use a single word or two to suggest an idea which needs to be covered, and place these in order. Keep each note card to only three or four words so that time is not needed to search through the material. These words can then guide the speaker who might need a gentle aid to assist in remembering the order of the presentation.

Write in large print, big enough to be seen easily, but small enough so as to not crowd the card.

Rehearse. Some claim that it is advantageous to rehearse in front of a mirror. Others say "no," feeling that this will cause the speaker to develop bad habit of watching him/herself. Some claim that a video camera is the best tool, while others claim it will cause the speaker to focus on a single point. The best suggestion is to rehearse somewhere, somehow. Rehearse in front of family or a mirror or a camera or friends, or in front of a blank wall, but be sure to rehearse by saying the words aloud at a volume which will sufficient for the actual presentation of the speech.

Some Exercises. Work on diction with vocal exercises which demand attention to diction. By doing so a speaker can improve enunciation.

1. Repeat, as quickly as possible, "Red leather, yellow leather."

2. Repeat, as quickly as possible, "Toy boat."

3. Say, "I slit the sheet. The sheet I slit. And on the slitted sheet I sit."


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